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The mandate of the Parent Support Group is to administer, report and apply for gaming funds from the BC Provincial Government. This includes the per student Direct Access Grant as well as all games of chance conducted through the various school fund-raising events. The PSG is responsible for all reporting and accounting of these funds, in accordance with gaming regulations.


B.C. Gaming stipulates that only the parents of the school can decide how these funds are disbursed and that all funds must go through a separate Gaming Account.


The PSG consists of five members: three Executive (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and two Members at Large. Elections take place in May of each year and notice of election is placed in the school newsletter. Parents have a set timeframe in which to put forward their name for nomination. Members are elected to the PSG and then positions are assigned. At Archbishop Carney the Regional Education Committee mandated that due to the amount of money involved, these five positions are eligible for parent participation hours.


To be eligible for election, candidates must be a parent of a child currently enrolled at ACRSS. PSG members must be independent of the school authority; therefore candidates for election must NOT be a member of the school staff, administration or any governing body of the school. As well, they must not serve as principals of any major fund raising activities within the school. This last requirement is a Carney one, not a Gaming ruling.


It is the responsibility of the PSG to apply for the license for all games of chance (raffles, 50/50) at the various school fundraisers and to make sure the guidelines set by the BC Gaming Commission are met. Please refer to the government web site at for more information.


Funds received from the Direct Access Grant as well as through the raffles are used to purchase items for the school following the strict criteria set by the government. Following is an abbreviated version of the criteria.

  • Funds must not be spent on any curricular activities.

  • Only expenses which enhance extracurricular opportunities for students are acceptable (for example – clubs and sports teams qualify).

  • Expenses must be incurred within the province – out of province travel is excluded.


At the beginning of the school year the PSG invites the staff to submit proposals. The PSG can seek guidance from the administration but all decisions on how funds are spent remain firmly in the control of the committee.


Any questions regarding the PSG can be directed to the current chair Kate Lackovic at




Chair: Doris Aladi –
Treasurer: Michelle Lacombe -
Secretary: Dorothy Sela -
Member at Large: Lina Lezama -
Member at Large: Pierrette Djanqoua -



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