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Fr. Richard Au, Archbishop's Rep. (Pastor, Our Lady Fatima Parish)

Mike Schneider, Chair (St. Luke's)

Stephanie Bertani, Vice-Chair (All Saints)

Ken D'Sena, Treasurer (St. Clare of Assisi)

Patrick Arce, Secretary (St. Joseph's)

Len De Julius, Principal


           VOTING MEMBERS:

Maricar Balbago (All Saints)

Theresa Cecchetto (St. Luke's)

Andrea Curman (St. Claire of Assisi)

Cordelia Dailey (St. Claire of Assisi)

Rosa Diaz-Salas (St. Patrick’s)

Karlie Gibson (Our Lady of Assumption)

Nicalin Gnanapragasam (Our Lady of Fatima)

Irenaeus Lim (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Natalie McGinley (St. Joseph's)

Reginold Wijesekara (Our Lady of Fatima)




Jodie Sussex, Vice-Principal

Antonio Sorace, Vice-Principal

Lisa Taylor, Teacher Representative








The effectiveness of our Catholic schools is strengthened by clergy and lay people working together with faith and commitment for the education of our young people. It is very important, therefore, that those who accept the call to serve on education committees understand the expectations of office and conduct themselves in a way that will foster collaboration and Christian community and put into practice the philosophy of Catholic education as promulgated by the British Columbia Bishops.


Members of CISVA Education Committees are expected to:

  • Acknowledge that Catholic schools function within the structure of the Catholic Church and are an expression of its mission.

  • Endeavor to become more knowledgeable about Catholic education, its mission, and educational and religious goals.

  • Promote Catholic education, its values and benefits to the community.

  • Attend regular, extraordinary and sub-committee meetings and participate n discussion and decisions to the best of their ability.

  • Be fully and thoroughly prepared for each meeting by completing the required committee work or reports.

  • Share and utilize their knowledge and experience for the betterment of the Committee's work and the school as a whole.

  • Be loyal and supportive of Committee decisions.

  • Be open to stand for election to the executive of their committee and act as a member of a sub-committee as elected and/or assigned.

  • Recognize that they do not officially represent the Committee unless explicitly authorized to do so.

  • Ensure confidentiality of all matters dealt 'in confidence'.

  • Disqualify themselves from discussion and voting on issues where there is a conflict of interest.

  • Support and recognize the principal as chief administrator in the school.



Regular meetings of the REC are open to all members of the ACRSS community.  See the school calendar for the schedule. Persons who wish to address the REC at a meeting are welcome to do so provided they advise the Chair ( no less than one week before the intended meeting. 


           REC SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2022-2023


           Hiring Committee:

           Mike Schneider, Len De Julius,

Fr. Richard Au

Alternates: Patrick Arce, Natalie McGinley,


           Appeals Committee:

Mike Schneider, Fr. Richard Au

Len De Julius, 



Patrick Arce, Ken D'Sena,

Natalie McGinley


Parent Participation:

Theresa Cecchetto, Maricar Balbago


Building Committee: 

Fr. Richard Au, Len De Julius, Ken D'Sena


           Maintenance and Janitorial:

Antonio Sorace



Antonio Sorace



Mike Schneider



Jodie Sussex



Stephanie Bertani, Antonio Sorace, 

Natalie McGinley



Stephanie Bertani, Jodie Sussex


CISVA Delegate:

Stephanie Bertani,

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